more emotional level? What can you do
to enhance what your customers feel
when they use your services?
Employees have more collective face-to-
face time with guests than an owner or
manager could ever hope to have. They
play a huge role in the implementation
of a great CX program and should be
allowed to showcase their individuality
and decision-making.
Do employees need to follow certain
organizational protocols? Yes, of course.
But outside of a certain set of standard
procedures, consider giving staff the
freedom to showcase their individuality.
After all, the personal connection is
what drives experiences.
I recently read of a company that
gives its employees a “customer
experience budget” to use to serve
guests. Employees at this company can
use this budget as they wish, with the
goal of creating unexpected great
moments for their customers. Talk about
a great way to connect with customers!
As a means of creating something
truly unique and not easily duplicated,
employees are your greatest resource.
When employees are encouraged to use
their personality and insights (rather
than ignore them in the name of brand
consistency), the results can be
meaningful and lasting.
3 Tips for Empowering Employees
1. Reward Self-Improvement Budget dollars and time toward management and personal development
training. help employees set a plan for growth and reward them as they advance. They’ll be grateful and apply
their newly-learned skills as they step up to leadership opportunities.
2. Demonstrate Your Trust a great way to empower your employees is to show them you trust them.
you hired them to do a job, and you trust them to be able to do it. let your employees know the end goal and
allow them the freedom and flexibility to get there. They might not do everything exactly as you would have,
but they will get the job done with their own flair and feel better about the result.
3. Inspire Creative Thinking Just because you have been doing something one way for years, does not
mean that’s the best way to accomplish it. There are always new and innovative ideas, and better ways to do things.
use the minds around you and encourage employees to come up with creative solutions. putting the challenge and
responsibility in their hands empowers them to get the job done and may improve processes along the way!
May 2018