Pulse May 2020 | Page 63

2005, and has herself witnessed the in- creasing popularity of meditation and mindfulness among the spa-going population. Jessica Candy, spa director at Four Seasons Resort Lanai, agrees with Stirewalt: “Our daily lives are so busy…meditation allows us to look in- ward and connect to something greater and deeper than the individ- ual self.” The ever-increasing intercon- nectedness of society also demands that we spend more time exploring the self-reflection and self-care offered by meditative practice. The World Health Organization reported that the percentage of the global population living in urban areas in 2014 was 54 percent; in 1960, it was 34 percent. It’s no surprise, then, that as more people live increasingly urban and technolo- gic lives, services such as shinrin yoku (forest bathing) have become more popular at Mohonk Mountain House and at spas around the world. Candy and Stirewalt both noted that meditation has become increas- ingly popular at their spas. At Mohonk Mountain House, guided meditation sessions are the spa’s most popular classes. Even at a spa that has offered meditation for decades—such as Can- yon Ranch Wellness Resort Lenox— meditation has become more popular over the last several years. Says Spa Director Samantha Cooper, “the ma- jority of our guests take part in some form of meditative practice while with “Offering a few moments of guided meditation or breathwork at the beginning of a treatment can dramatically enhance the experience and lead the guest down a path that they may want to explore further.” – SAMANTHA COOPER, Spa Director, Canyon Ranch Lenox MAY 2020 ■ PULSE 47