Why a Remarkable Customer Experience is Your Best Sales and Marketing Strategy
Why a Remarkable Customer Experience is Your Best Sales and Marketing Strategy
LET ’ S FACE IT : Competition is tougher than ever these days . How can we stand out in a crowded marketplace that is constantly evolving ? In this fun and engaging keynote , customer experience speaker and former Fortune 500 executive Dan Gingiss will teach the audience how customer experience can be your company ’ s ultimate differentiator , creating a competitive advantage that cannot be copied .
Pulse : How can spa companies help customers understand the difference between price and value ? Dan Gingiss : Competing on price is a loser ’ s game because it ’ s a race to the bottom . Even if you can acquire a customer with a promotion , chances are they ’ ll be looking for a promotion somewhere else if price is what drives them . Instead , focus on how customers will feel after visiting the spa . There are dozens of places a customer can go for a Swedish massage or a yoga class ; the reason they will choose to return to your spa will be because of how you made them feel . Consider ways to help customers feel welcomed , understood , appreciated and connected .
Pulse : What are a few must-have elements of a remarkable customer experience ? DG : Customer experience doesn ’ t have to be difficult or expensive . It ’ s really just a series of little things that add
up to an impactful experience in the customer ’ s mind . Two places to focus on are : ( 1 ) Where can you add something to the experience that no one else does ?
It could be as simple as unique organic hard candies at the welcome desk , a hot towel before or after the service , a sample-size moisturizer to take home , a checklist or instruction booklet for at-home activities . ( 2 ) Where can you remove a barrier to the experience , no matter how small it seems ? Here you should look at the booking process , the check-in process , any wait times , the payment process including tipping . Make it as simple and convenient as possible for your customers , and they will thank you for it .
Pulse : You talk about word-of-mouth marketing as a strong tool . What first step can spa leaders take right now to encourage happy clients to spread the word ? DG : The best customer experiences actually don ’ t need the encouragement to share . Think about the last time you pulled out your phone because you just had to capture a moment to share with friends , family or colleagues . Chances are no one told you to do it . That is what I call a shareable experience , because customers want to share it , even without being asked . Certainly , things like referral programs and subtle nudges ( think before-and-after photos ) can work well , but focus on a specific moment in the customer journey where you can “ wow ” them . Then watch as they tell everyone about it !
Pulse : What exciting tip will attendees be talking about in the hallway after your Knowledge Builder Session ? DG : Attendees are going to hear a dozen or more stories about remarkable customer experiences in other industries . Why ? Because that ’ s where we can find the most inspiration . Copying what a competitor is doing won ’ t help you stand out ; what will is borrowing best practices from other industries and applying it to your spa . I promise these examples will be fun and memorable , giving attendees tons of simple , practical and inexpensive ideas to implement at their own business . n
16 PULSE n MAY / JUNE 2023