A DIFFERENT CAREER GROWTH PATH FOR ENTERING WORKERS The average young person will have 15 to 20 jobs in their life , Smiley shared .“ I think of it as a lily pad career mindset ,” he said .“ The lily pads are spread out , the roots are tying you together , but the surface looks different every day . Generation Z is constantly growing and evolving so they can stay more relevant and marketable . More are likely to have more than one job , and companies should encourage that .”
ADJUSTMENTS FOR HYBRID WORK At the beginning of the pandemic , many industries resorted to remote and hybrid positions . In some industries , the shift away from the office has continued . Business owners and managers are finding employees still accomplish the same amount of work as they would at the office , and those businesses are saving money on office space .“ Forty percent of hybrid employees wonder why they have to come to the office ,” said Poswolsky .“ Especially when their boss and peers are not there , or everyone is on Zoom . Where is the value ?” Of course , not all employees can work from home . It is important to determine what can be done in person versus online .“ Managers need to have an open door , understanding times are tough ,” Smiley said .“ If policies are too strict , those employees will leave to find a more caring culture . Twenty percent of workers are disengaged at their job . When hiring a new employee , that onboarding process should be done in person , talking to other employees about how they do their job , and less about the PDFs and booklets . Those are all items new employees can read at home . “ If we are not meeting the world in the workplace that
people are living outside of work , then we are missing the boat ,” he said .
HABITS FOR A LEADER When in a leadership position , according to Smiley , it is incredibly important to ask questions and listen . Having the ability to ask questions goes a long way . As a manager , you may not be able to make the change that the employee is asking — but the fact you , as a manager , listened to their concern and opened up is better than dismissing that person and their thoughts . n
RECRUITMENT IS PERSONAL : Attracting Top Talent in Challenging Times
IN THIS INSPIRING AND PRACTICAL PRESENTATION , workplace belonging expert Smiley Poswolsky will make the case that the future of recruitment is human connection and belonging . Smiley will share how we can attract top talent and create better team morale by making the recruitment process more timely , fast , digital and personalized , with a focus on building meaningful relationships with our talent pool and among our teams . Smiley will share actionable tips for fostering team engagement and psychological safety in the recruitment and hiring process , and how to re-imagine a positive , inclusive , people-first culture in our spas amidst uncertainty and growing disconnection in our communities .
MAY / JUNE 2023 n PULSE 37