Forbes then asks : “ But what does it really mean to have a culture that increases performance and adaptability ?” The organization concludes :
Corporate culture dictates how we relate to our colleagues , our bosses , our clients and our customers . At work , as elsewhere , we have a deep need to be seen , heard and understood . Healthy workplace relationships have a significant impact not only on an employee ’ s job performance and a company ’ s bottom line , [ they increase ] the chances of leading a happy and healthy life ! This revelation is simple and yet shocking : Warm , positive relationships keep us healthy and happy .
Measuring the enigmatic : Tangible ways to assess and improve workplace culture
Gallup ’ s review of workplace culture finds that change takes time . “ Organizations that work on changing company culture typically see the strongest gains in three to five years . To promote ongoing progress , leaders need effective monitoring and accountability metrics . Through consistent tracking , leaders learn which aspects of their culture are working and which need refining .”
The Gallup report ’ s authors conclude : The best leaders use scientifically based measurements that reveal business units lacking a strong connection to your aspired culture — and those at risk for turnover , low productivity or customer problems .
By analyzing culture metrics alongside other workplace measures like engagement , leaders can recalibrate their approach and verify the return on their investment in culture .
Leaders should ask themselves : l What data and KPIs are we consistently using to track our culture ? l How do we maintain a consistent focus and stay committed to the culture change process ? l How do we hold our managers and leaders to the highest level of accountability ? n
Gallup ’ s 4 Key Stages to Culture Transformation
1 . DEFINE YOUR COMPANY CULTURE Determine what is and should be the purpose , mission , vision , values and brand of your organization .
2 . ALIGN YOUR WORKFORCE Create awareness and shared understanding and belief among senior leadership and the workforce at all levels . When your employees understand your culture and how it should affect their daily decisions , they can truly believe in it and live it out . Culture becomes confusing when different aspects of your organization communicate conflicting messages .
3 . DRIVE ADOPTION Incorporate the defined culture into behaviors and work practices , and recalibrate systems , policies and processes . The best company culture doesn ’ t live in the employee handbook or mission statement . It comes to life through the employee experience — when people feel a sense of belonging in each experience they have with your company .
4 . SUSTAIN YOUR ECOSYSTEM Changing company culture takes time . Foster and enrich the culture through ongoing monitoring , accountability and reinforcement mechanisms for the long term . The only way to achieve the culture you want is through sustaining the changes you make .
l Gallup : Culture Transformation : What Leaders Need to Know , by Allan Watkinson and Rohit Kar ( https :// www . gallup . com / workplace / 471968 / culturetransformation-leaders-need-know . aspx )
l Gallup : Are You Addressing Psychosocial Risks at Your Workplace ?, by Camilla Frumar , Patricia Hubbard and Mansi Sachdeva ( https :// www . gallup . com / workplace / 470585 / addressing-psychosocial-risks-workplace . aspx )
l Gallup : Culture Transformation ( https :// www . gallup . com / workplace / 229832 / culture . aspx # ite-309971 )
l Forbes : The Secret to Leading Effective , Happy and Healthy Teams at Work , by Esther Choy ( https :// www . forbes . com / sites / estherchoy / 2023 / 03 / 26 / the-secret-to-leading-effective-happy-and-healthy-teams-at-work )
l PwC : Global Culture Survey , 2021 ( https :// www . pwc . com / gx / en / issues / upskilling / global-culture-survey-2021 . html )
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