Pulse May / June 2023 | Page 76

DO YOU EVER WONDER how your peers would handle a situation ? Maybe you ’ re curious what other leaders in the spa industry have to say on a certain subject . In Sound Off , we ask ISPA members from differing backgrounds , countries and companies the same question and see how their answers compare .


DO YOU EVER WONDER how your peers would handle a situation ? Maybe you ’ re curious what other leaders in the spa industry have to say on a certain subject . In Sound Off , we ask ISPA members from differing backgrounds , countries and companies the same question and see how their answers compare .

“ How much time do you spend on professional networking in a typical month ? What are the best opportunities for interacting and trading ideas with fellow spa leaders ?”
JESSICA CARTER Amara Resort and Spa Spa Director
JANICE GAMMON The Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa Assistant Director of Spa Operations
JENNIFER LAK Westmoor Club Director of Wellness
KATY WISTROM Koselig Day Spa Owner
“ Throughout my life , I ’ ve
“ I spend about two to four
“ Given my remote location
“ Koselig ( koosh-lee ) is
invested a great deal of
hours each month on
and the challenges we all
located in a small town
time networking with
professional networking .
faced with the pandemic ,
where we are the only
others in various industries .
For me , the best opportuni-
I have turned to LinkedIn
providers treating the skin
Currently , I ’ m spending only
ties for interacting with
to stay in contact and
and offering those special-
a few hours a month with
other spa leaders is within
network with fellow
ized services , so most of my
other spa directors and I
my own company . Our
professionals in the
networking comes through
long for more . That ’ s why
company has six different
industry . In addition , I had
social media and I typically
I ’ m so excited to attend
spas , and our monthly
the opportunity to
spend 12 hours a month
ISPA and dedicate several
Zoom calls and yearly spa
volunteer and attend the
creating and brainstorming
days making real life
leadership meetings
Global Wellness Summit in
with other spa leaders .
connections .”
provide a nice opportunity
2021 when it was held in
I communicate with other
to interact with other spa
Boston . I find that
spa professionals on a daily
leaders . Although we are
conferences often present
basis , usually encouraging
one , our spas are unique in
the best opportunities to
them and interacting with
their location , design , spa
network , connect and
their posts in general .
offerings and leadership
re-invigorate the spirit ! I ’ m
I think using social media
styles . These calls and
so looking forward to
creates ample opportunity
meetings allow us to
attending ISPA in person
for interaction and doesn ’ t
inspire , share and
to be able to discuss current
limit you to your own
collaborate with each
trends and ideas with my
location .” n
other all year long .”
fellow spa leaders .”
74 PULSE n MAY / JUNE 2023