stay ConneCted
how many social
media channels do
i need to be on?
it maY seem like there are endless social media channels
that you are told you need to be on, but it may actually not be the
best idea to enter every arena. the reasoning behind wanting to
add as many channels as possible is simple: you’ll reach new people
on a new platform with new content.
While that makes sense, you need to remember to not spread
yourself too thin. in practice, it’s often better to be on fewer
channels. this allows you to knock it out of the park with an
engaging following and more focused, lively content. Quality over
quantity. that being said, if you have the bandwidth to add a new
social media platform, it’s never a bad idea to give it a shot.
in an insta
looking to add more instagram stories to your account but befuddled by the narrow dimensions? have no
fear. the first rule to keep in mind is that Stories are meant to be in portrait mode, so hold your phone vertically when
you’re taking photos or videos you’d like to add to your Story. if you don’t, you’ll be forced to crop your media before
posting, which can look sloppy. another way around this issue is to use a photo-editing app or website like canva to more
professionally crop your media to the proper dimensions before uploading.
do you follow @isPadoyou on instagram? if not, you’re missing
out on a lot of fun! With more than a billion active users every
month, instagram is the fastest-growing social media network.
it’s a great place to connect with customers, market your products
and keep up with any iSPa member news.
novEmbEr/dEcEmbEr 2019