member neWs
1. Allure magazine announced its
2019 Best in Beauty awards and
several iSPa members were among
the honorees. coola, eminence
organic skin care and
naturopathica won in the “Best
clean Body Products” category,
while Foreo’s Luna 3 won Best
Skin care Device.
2. Farmhouse Fresh has been
selected among other brands
including Sublime Donuts and
Jack’s Wife freda to be a part of a
chase Bank national ad campaign.
the campaign highlights the
success stories of chase Bank
Business customers who used a
line of credit to grow and elevate
their business. the campaign will
roll out across print, digital and
video mediums.
3. the hydraFacial company
announced in august that they
have partnered with
hydroPeptide, the leader in luxury
epigenetic peptide-based skin care.
the two companies are excited to
announce that hydroPeptide’s best-
selling anti-aging Power Serum is
now available as a booster to
personalize the hydrafacial
treatment. the hydroPeptide
Power Serum Booster for
hydrafacial will be available at
hydrafacial providers across the
United States.
We love hearIng from you!
novEmbEr/dEcEmbEr 2019