member PersPeCtIves
by J a m I s o n s to I k e
Mind over MaTTer
Fostering Mental Health in Spa
sPas are built uPon the abilitY oF
human touch to heal the body. massages release
muscular tension. facials improve the skin. Yet, every
treatment in the world of spa also plays a role in fostering
mental wellbeing; after all, tension can be a physical
manifestation of emotional upheaval, and it’s well-
documented that mental stress can damage the skin.
novEmbEr/dEcEmbEr 2019
While traditional treatments that pamper and nourish
the body have a secondary effect on mental wellbeing,
many iSPa members go above and beyond to make
mental wellbeing the centerpiece of their menus. often,
these spas also prioritize the mental wellbeing of their
employees through benefits, activities and team-building
exercises. the result is a culture that engenders the mental