Pulse November / December 2023 | Page 26


BY DEBRA JASON How Art Elevates Your Guests ’ Experiences How do you feel when entering a reception or waiting area where beautiful art graces the space versus stepping into one with bare walls ? Displaying artwork demonstrates that your spa values creativity .

“... much of the artwork on display focuses on landscapes around Big Sur .”

— MONIKA JALOVEC Spa Director , Post Ranch Inn
HISTORICALLY , SPAS have fostered holistic experiences , ones not confined to a 30- or 80-minute timeframe for a treatment to pamper oneself . It ’ s not only massages , facials or mud baths that soothe your customers when they come to your spa . Consider how you can create a setting that pacifies the soul , enhances moods , shifts attitudes and rejuvenates the spirit .
When designing your spa environment , consider more than the aesthetics of architecture and design . As soon as your guests step in the door , the art in your reception area creates a welcome and calming effect .
According to the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine ( ACRM ),