changes wrought on guests ’ wellness habits by the pandemic , but with planning a retail strategy that could be a part of a strong overall start for the new operation , which is a challenge even in the best of circumstances .
Part of that strategy was created in response to what Jennifer Lynn and her team observed taking place in the world outside the spa . “ I watched online trends closely to prepare for opening ,” Lynn says . “ I recognized that consumer purchasing behaviors have changed drastically in the last year , so my research included monitoring new products and what online shoppers are sharing on their social channels .” Lynn adds that a spike in online sales for self-care product companies is partly to thank for the spa ’ s aforementioned shift in vernacular . In response to the online trends she observed , the spa introduced a “ Discover It Yourself ” section in the boutique .
As with most spa retail operations , though , education and consultation will continue to play a crucial role in the process for the AWANA team . Lynn envisions a guest experience that includes opportunities for guests to learn more about the products on offer during each phase of their visit . “ We influence our guests ’ decisions through education and information . At the beginning of the spa journey , guests will be welcomed with self-care solutions . While in treatment , the provider will share their knowledge to help educate the guest and , hopefully , influence the guest ’ s purchasing decisions ,” Lynn says . “ At the conclusion of the experience , we will package the purchase for a simple departure from the spa .”
Like Lynn , Marissa Krems also stresses the importance of being able to thoroughly educate guests about the products her team recommends . When The Spa at the Elms reopened last year , training was at the top of her to-do list . “ We went through a product refresher ,” says Krems . “ What products are we using ? Why are we recommending them to our guests ? Then we did some role playing within some of these education sessions . I think it was really nice for our receptionist team to interact with our estheticians and the educator , so they kind of see that bigger picture .” By involving everyone from front desk staff to the leadership team in these trainings , the spa was able to create a
“… we did some role playing within some of these [ product ] education sessions . I think it was really nice for our receptionist team to interact with our estheticians and the educator , so they kind of see that bigger picture .”
Photo credit : Resorts World Las Vegas
A selection of ‘ self-care products ’ on display at Awana Spa at Resorts World Las Vegas .