“ Making a point isn ’ t the same as making a difference .”
MY CUTE HUSBAND COULD PROVIDE A PLETHORA OF DAILY EXAMPLES where I tend to make a point as opposed to a difference . Bless his heart .
In reality though , we can all learn from Mr . Godin ’ s wisdom . As Seth shared in his recent blog , there are countless ways to make a point . Each of us have moments when we just want to demonstrate that we are angrier , smarter , more concerned , stronger , faster or more prepared than the person we are engaging with . To truly make a difference , though , we each need the practical empathy to realize that the other person doesn ’ t know what we know , doesn ’ t believe what we believe and might not want what we want . We must move from where we are and momentarily understand where they are . When we make a point , we reject all of this . When we make a point , we establish our power in one way or another , but we probably don ’ t change very much or make a difference . As Seth puts it ,“ Change comes about when the story the
other person tells themselves begins to change . If all you do is make a point , you ’ ve handed them a story about yourself . When you make a change , you ’ ve helped them embrace a new story about themselves .”
Clearly , it can be disheartening to continue dealing with those pandemic-related issues we thought we had moved past . We ’ re all facing the same challenges , but if we can rally together and focus on “ making a difference ” rather than being content to “ make a point ”— whether it ’ s on social media or in a staff meeting — the more of an impact we can have collectively .
It may sometimes be more satisfying in the moment to make a point , but as Seth teaches , if we really care , we ’ ll do the hard work required to make a difference instead .
In reality , my super cute husband always makes a point to remind me that I am doing my level best every day to make a difference . I hope you will join me because , as we know ( okay — here we go ), a rising tide raises all ships ! �
“ Change comes about when the story the other person tells themselves begins to change . If all you do is make a point , you ’ ve handed them a story about yourself . When you make a change , you ’ ve helped them embrace a new story about themselves .” — SETH GODIN