Pulse October 2023 | Page 29

Dive into the Pulse Archives

THE INTERNATIONAL SPA ASSOCIATION is proud to issue from the cover page or share the issue from the current bring you Pulse magazine . ISPA distributes Pulse eight page to point out a particular article . You can then copy the times per year , in both print and digital formats , to ISPA URL or share directly via email , Facebook or LinkedIn . members as a benefit of membership . Each issue is packed Digital issues of Pulse are mobile-responsive for easy with industry and member news , leadership and businessrelated features , insights from individual members and viewing on a desktop computer , tablet or mobile device . much more .
If you missed an issue , misplaced your copy or just want to travel back in time , visit the Pulse archives online at pulse . experienceispa . com . Select the “ Publications Panel ” icon to the left and scroll as far back as 2015 to see how the spa industry has evolved .
To share an issue or article with colleagues , select the “ Share ” icon on the left . This allows you to share the entire

Career Center

A NEW AND IMPROVED Career Center launched last year , providing a central location for job seekers and hiring managers to connect with career opportunities . Easily accessible from the main menu on experienceispa . com , this job board updates in real time as ISPA members post opportunities at spas and retailers across the globe .
As an ISPA member , you receive unlimited free job postings to the Career Center . To make the most of this benefit , be sure to post all openings at your company : l Entry level through management l Opportunities for reception , technicians , therapists , sales , administration and educators
A successful posting includes , at a minimum , the job title , description , location and salary range .

Talent Toolkit

ARE YOU A HIRING MANAGER in need of guidance for finalizing the details needed to list in a job posting ? That ’ s where the Talent Toolkit comes in .
This resource continues to evolve with hiring and retention trends in the spa industry . Find it online under the Resources tab or type “ Talent Toolkit ” in the search bar . Created with input from ISPA member volunteers , this collection of articles , checklists , templates , policies and procedures is intended to be a guide for managers building the best working environment possible . Topics include : l Communication strategies l Job descriptions l Job fairs l Interviewing l Training l Recruitment l Retention Each section includes templates and descriptions to assist in development of promotion plans and on-boarding plans to ensure you hire and retain the top talent candidates for your business needs . n