Pulse October 2023 | Page 35


EACH YEAR , ISPA ’ S MANY RESOURCE PARTNERS launch new products deserving of recognition for innovation and creativity . The newly-launched ISPA New Product Awards will celebrate these breakthrough achievements in the spa industry .
New Product Awards winners will be announced later this month , and recipients will be featured in the January 2024 Pulse , along with receiving industry-wide recognition through ISPA media promotion .
The process began this summer , when ISPA Vendor members submitted entries for products they launched in the year leading up to mid-September . Participants submitted entries for new offerings in 16 eligible categories .
Early in October , ISPA Service Provider and Spa members will receive a personalized voting link via email . One ballot will be accepted per individual member .
Visit experienceispa . com / new-product-awards for more information .
In the November-December 2023 Pulse ...

Looking forward and looking back : The ISPA U . S . Spa Industry Study

EARLY NEXT YEAR , the ISPA Foundation will work with PwC Research to evaluate the state of the spa industry in the United States . 2024 ’ s study will mark the quarter-century anniversary of the U . S . Spa Industry Study , which was first conducted in 2000 to highlight and benchmark the industry in 1999 . Renowned researcher PwC has been ISPA ’ s data and analysis partner for the full 25 years .
Take part in the 2024 Spa Industry Study In January 2024 , U . S . -based ISPA members will receive an email invitation to take part in the 2024 Spa Industry Study . The survey will be open only briefly , and , as the deadline approaches , PwC will send reminder emails to ISPA members who have not yet participated .
It is so important for every spa and spa industry company to have their voices heard . Your responses help to identify business trends within our spa industry . Data from the study helps to focus ongoing research and education initiatives . The annual report — highlighted by the “ Big Five ” statistics — benchmarks the health and welfare of the spa industry from year to year .
Learn more by reviewing the 2023 Study The spa industry entered 2022 still facing challenges from the effects of the pandemic . Though spa operating hours were no longer hugely affected by the pandemic , other issues had emerged , such as staffing difficulties and price inflation . The 2023 U . S . Spa Industry Study report focuses on how the industry met the challenge of sustaining the momentum in the recovery from the pandemic throughout 2022 .
In the next Pulse , we will recap more of the 2023 Study , including a review of each of the report ’ s main sections : l Spa industry size l Spa services l Staffing l Compensation l Spa industry profile Watch for the November-December 2023 Pulse to read more , or download the full 2023 ISPA U . S . Spa Industry Study report in the Research Library at experienceispa . com .
The Spa Industry Study is made possible by Foundation donations and the full report is available only to ISPA members . n