Pulse October 2023 | Page 56

Insights to spa revenue management for industry professionals

Throughout 2023 , Pulse will feature interviews with experienced practitioners whose insights about spa specialties will help facility leaders to recruit , engage and retain staff members .
Kristine Huffman for Pulse : Many of us aren ’ t familiar with the duties of a revenue manager . Tell us a little about that job . ADAM HAYASHI : When I started in the hospitality industry in the ‘ 90s , I had no idea what revenue management was . It was still in its infancy , and the airlines were really picking it up . In 2001 , I got my first job as a revenue manager at a hotel property . Even back at that point , it was rare to have a property-specific revenue manager focused on the yield and the optimization at each hotel . Fast forward : Now , most brands are prioritizing it . With revenue management strategy , we measure demand through data and trend analysis , and take opportunities to yield our pricing to attract the right guests at the right time , at the right price , through the right channel .
In terms of the discipline itself and how it differs from other departments , it is part of the commercial structure , focused on building the top line revenue and aligned with sales , marketing , digital and e-commerce . And that differs from the function of someone who is a finance director or controller who ’ s more focused on managing expenses and the accounting side of things .
Pulse : Often day spas and boutique hotels don ’ t have somebody focused exclusively on revenue management and the primary focus becomes expense management . What would you say to an owner of a smaller boutique property or a day spa to help support the idea that this is a necessary role ? How would they get it started ? AH : It doesn ’ t necessarily need to be a full-time position . It ’ s more of a culture and a mindset that you can build within your existing team . [ See “ Create a Revenue Management Culture ” on page 20 .] If we don ’ t have a specific spa revenue manager because the size of the operation doesn ’ t warrant one , it ’ s about working with the individuals who are running the spa to make sure they ’ re considering aspects

Revenue management “ doesn ’ t need to be a full-time position . It ’ s more of a culture and a mindset that you can build within your existing team .”