Pulse October 2023 | Page 79


Get More out of Member News

In every issue of Pulse magazine , ISPA members have the opportunity to share important corporate and professional updates in the Member News column . Many readers say this is the first section they turn to when a new issue arrives .
What will I find in Member News ? Member News is the international spa industry ’ s ongoing record of honors and recognitions , award-winning achievements , media exposures , corporate offerings , new spa openings and renovations , acquisitions and partnerships , events and milestones . It is a digest of recent alerts , emerging trends and ongoing developments of interest to spa professionals .
Why would I want my update shared in Member News ? Member News is a resource just for spa professionals — so if you want industry leaders to know about your recent news or upcoming event , a Member News entry is a must . Each Member News item in Pulse will enhance your : l Networking : Share your news with peers and potential collaborators . l Inspiration : Your success stories will encourage fellow spa leaders , benefiting the entire industry . l Reach : With an international audience of the world ’ s top spa leaders , this is where to be seen . l Brand-building : Increase your stature and market awareness and help to define your company ’ s personality .
News entries will be edited to run roughly 25 to 75 words .
If you do not have a press release — or if you would like to add a condensed blurb to your longer submission — here are a few tips : l Identify the category of your news : Openings & Offerings ; Awards & Honors ; Partnerships ; Celebrations & Renovations ; Featured in the Media . l Make sure to share the basics : who , what , where , when . l Be reachable : Include contact information in case we have questions about your news . l One final tip : Include a photo — or several . Every Member News item is highlighted by a related head shot , team or facility photo , logo or other appropriate image . Make sure the image resolution is adequate : 300 dpi is a good standard . n
What should I include in a Member News submission ? If you have a press release containing all the details about your news , share the full document . Note that all Member

Many members tell ISPA the first section they read in a new Pulse is Member News .