Pulse October/November 2024 | Page 74


( CONTINUED FROM PAGE 54 ) year . Kelly Gasspari-Fleming , Brisa Huezo and Jessica Wadley share the following remarks about their experiences during their first months as board members .
What have you learned during the nomination and selection process that you think is crucial for future candidates to know ? Brisa Huezo : I learned that ISPA is a serious organization that
BRISA HUEZO operates with incredible business focus and a constant pursuit to stay relevant . Additionally , ISPA seeks to serve its members with the highest level of care and attention ; they sincerely prioritize members ’ needs and aspirations . Lastly , I learned ISPA is relentless when KELLY GASSPARI-FLEMING it comes to advocacy for our industry and has spearheaded important conversations and movements that benefit all members . Kelly Gasspari-Fleming : Don ’ t overthink it , be authentic and ,
JESSICA WADLEY if you are elected , speak up immediately . It ’ s why you got the seat , your voice needs to be heard . Jessica Wadley : The nomination and selection process is quite intensive and it takes courage and vulnerability to apply . Do not be discouraged if you are not accepted the
first time . I worked for two years on the Resource Partner Task Force to show the board my serious and long-term commitment to ISPA and the mission and vision .
How do you balance your board responsibilities with your personal and professional life ? BH : Board responsibilities and expectations are reasonable ; however , we are surrounded by brilliant minds and go-getters where the challenge is often of the mind and not necessarily of time . I find that I do need to create space so I contribute ideas and be present in conversations . I love the challenge and I love listening to others share . I find the meetings to be super invigorating and well organized , there is no wasted time here . KG-F : I always save white space on my calendar for anything that may come up I do not already have planned for in my work week . Every week on Thursday , I plan the following week . I ’ m pretty strict about managing my personal time and that time is managed on a monthly basis so my husband and I know exactly what is going on for the month ahead . We share a calendar at home on the fridge , it ’ s old school but works ! JW : The ISPA Board ’ s calendar is very well organized with planning up to a year in advance . It is important to know the requirements and prioritize accordingly .
If you could describe your ISPA Board experience in three words , what would they be ? BH : Organized – Focus – Driven KG-F : DREAM COME TRUE JW : Strategic – Passionate – Collaborative n

ISPA Board :

Leadership with Purpose l

The ISPA Board ’ s top priority is to create strategies to engage existing ISPA members and attract new members . The ISPA Board defines the Association ’ s strategic vision to ensure ISPA continues to grow and remain relevant to members . Although the board does not focus attention on the details of the daily operations of ISPA , it does provide guidance and goals for the ISPA Team . In order for these strategies to be fulfilled , the board must be prepared to make decisions and provide feedback when approached by the Team with questions and requests .