Pulse September 2015 | Page 28

CONVERSATIONS WITH LISA GANSKY B Y M A E M A Ñ AC A P - J O H N S O N According to LISA GANSKY, entrepreneur and author of The Mesh: Why the Future of Business is Sharing, we live in a society fueled by a new kind of economy. “The Mesh or the sharing economy is simply the idea that technology enables us to easily tap into the power of our being truly connected,” she explains. “Technology like the Web, social networks, mobile devices and peer-to-peer apps easily allow us to locate each other and things. This means that we can often get what we want or need from another person rather than from a traditional business.” In this Conservations, Gansky offers insights on why the future of business is “sharing” and how the spa industry can be part of it. PULSE: Why is the sharing economy the future of business? Lisa Gansky: In practice, this model represents a rather massive shift from the idea that valuable goods, services and talent sitting around unused is acceptable. Now, for many individuals and businesses, we are able to grant others access to our things. This allows others to benefit from them (their use) and for us to benefit (income and/or contributing to community development). One of the core tenets of the Mesh or sharing economy is: unused value equals waste. If I own a restaurant, office building or spa for example, the space we are not using, either daily or when our business is closed, create another opportunity. Parking lots convert to spaces for local artisan and farmer markets and fairs. Commercial Personal Side Notes I live the spa lifestyle by: Being joyful, easily amused and annoyingly curious about life For inspiration, I turn to: Yoga, dirt and the sea A staple in my luggage is: Tennis ball (for foot rolling), ginger tea and a card that says, “Leap and the Net will appear.” My go-to app is: Twitter My idea of a must-read is: The Sense of Wonder by Rachel Carson 26 PULSE ■ September 2015 kitchens can be used for “pop-up supper clubs” or benefits for local charities. Once we begin to see the “waste” around us from excess capacity, we can begin to imagine opportunities for new types of customers or community members once that value is unleashed. P: What could have ܙX]Y\