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The Importance of a Content Calendar
Are you WorkIng off a content calendar for
your social media strategy? It can feel draining
to have to come up with new content on the fly
each day. With a calendar in place, you’ll
always know what content to push out and can
get a head start by scheduling posts ahead of
time. Not only does this free up your time each
morning (aside from the initial time setting up
the calendar), but you’ll also have a foundation
in place that will have you posting in a
consistent, strategic manner.
In An InStA
Surely you’re PoStIng to InStAgrAm, but are you Reposting? You’ve probably seen other accounts using it,
highlighted by the little Repost logo in the corner with the username of the original poster. Since Instagram has no
built-in reposting feature, you have to use a separate app, like Repost. Reposting content from other accounts is a great
way to not only diversify your own content, but also show appreciation to other brands and users on the platform.
A true win-win!
do you follow @ISPAdoyou on Instagram? If not,
you’re missing out on a lot of fun! With more than a
billion active users every month, Instagram is the
fastest-growing social media network. It’s a great place
to connect with customers, market your products and
keep up with any ISPA member news.
SEPtEmbEr 2019