Pulse wants to share your world travels
with the entire isPa community.
no matter where you've been or where you’re
headed, email a photo of your latest adventure
to samantha.smith@ispastaff.com.
lemi group celebrated its 30th anniversary with
an event at its headquarters and production
facility, where company President emilio
Brusaferri led a tour. Afterwards, there was a
reception with live entertainment.
lA romAnA,
domInIcAn rePuBlIc
former u.s. President Bill clinton visited casa de campo, home
of the spa at casa de campo, where he played a round of golf
and received a tour of the hotel led by resort president andres
Pichardo rosenberg.
South cArolInA
the montage Hotels & resorts team held their first-ever
international spa retreat at inn at Palmetto Bluff – a montage
resort earlier this summer.
PULSE 2019