memBer PersPectives
By J a m i s o n s to i k e
deep dive
How Data Drives Decisions
a little over tWo years ago, The Economist declared
that the world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil:
it’s data.
Data now drives the decision making of every kind of
business, from the biggest Silicon Valley giants to the
smallest local businesses, and spas are part of this
sweeping data-driven revolution. ISPA member spas are
SEPtEmbEr 2019
often at the forefront of tracking sales, retail and
customer data to provide an improved—and more
profitable—spa experience to guests.
In honor of the release of the 20th ISPA U.S. Spa
Industry Study this month, Pulse discussed with four
ISPA member spas how they use data to inform the
decision-making process at every level, from what