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The Story of the U.S. Spa Industry Study
It wasn’t too long ago—just twenty years in fact—that spa directors
seemed to spend as much time explaining what spa was as they spent
actually running a spa. At the time, the internet was in its infancy.
Boomers were the core of the workforce; now, they’re primarily retirees.
And there was no real understanding of how extensive and profitable the spa
“industry” was.
Things are different now. Millennials, the oldest of which couldn’t yet vote in
1999, are now a typical spa’s core audience. Digital booking—digital everything,
really—is the name of the game, with spas offering increasingly seamless ways
to experience the world of spa. CBD, the biggest product trend of today,
wasn’t even on the industry’s radar in 1999.
The spa industry has transformed over the past two decades. Through it all,
there has been one consistent source tracking all the changes: the ISPA U.S. Spa
Industry Study.
SEPtEmbEr 2019