proposition will identify who your main customers are,
what they need, your unique benefit and your compet-
itive advantage. What do you think your value
proposition is?
evaluate and evolve
If you don’t know your value proposition, evaluate the
four areas mentioned above and pay particular attention
to your customers’ needs. What is your product or service
able to provide that will fulfill those needs? Once you
determine that, you drive that focus home in every way
possible. For example: if your value proposition is to be
the most innovative wellness retreat in the country, you
will be focused on creating programming that’s
innovative, you will align what you are offering to guests,
and your marketing and messaging will speak exactly to
that point.
Now that you’ve evaluated your value proposition, if
you need to make some tweaks, gather your leadership
team and do it. But don’t just communicate change
without actually doing it. This isn’t a time to worry about
cost. The change alone will drive revenue.
Once you’ve stated your value proposition, you don’t
have to keep it forever. As a matter of fact, you should go
through the steps again as a refresh every so often. When
I was the Vice President of Marketing and Revenue
Management at Miraval Resort & Spa, I created a brand
book that took all messaging and branding back to the
“Companies get this wrong when their
website highlights their name or logo more
than the message of what the potential
customer is getting from them. Remember:
why should they choose you?”
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