Pulse September 2021 | Page 16

Connecting with Consumers Online in the New Normal

JUMPSTARTING YOUR BUSINESS after the ups and downs of the past 18 months isn ’ t going to be easy — from hiring or re-training the team to bringing back clients , it all puts tremendous strain on management . With life returning to ‘ the new normal ’, there ’ s an expectation on businesses to re-engage their key stakeholders , and as a result , communication on social media needs a slightly adjusted content approach to take into account post-pandemic behavior . According to online market research , interest is waning a bit from beauty products and DIY treatments , and consumers are focusing instead on professional services and procedures . Despite the fact that many spas and salons were less accessible during the pandemic , consumers have spent time at home researching professional treatments and getting ready for the day when they can safely get services done in a professional environment . For most of them , that day has arrived . Communication strategies should therefore focus on key areas that impact consumer behavior , many of which shifted as a result of the pandemic and lockdown periods , including :
● Safety and cleanliness within the facility
● Ingredient focus and sustainability
● Focus on problem areas of the face , with Zoom serving as a digital magnifying mirror
● DIY viral trends related to skin care treatments By and large , consumers are ready to seek professional treatments — there ’ s only so much pampering that one can replicate at home and the results are oftentimes lackluster . However , the first questions that will come to the minds of many guests will likely relate to the apparent safety of the spa or salon facility and the precautions being taken . Though many states in the U . S . and some areas in other parts of the world have reduced or eliminated pandemic-related restrictions , the spread of COVID-19 variants and low vaccination rates in some areas mean that some guests are likely to remain hesitant about visiting a spa .