Ghost ( ing ) Stories
AT THE MOMENT , THERE ARE FEW CONCERNS more pressing within the spa industry than the ongoing hiring challenges faced by so many spa leaders . Given the shortage of available , qualified service providers on the market , even landing an interview with a great candidate can feel like winning the lottery . However , those warm feelings are sure to disappear quickly if that candidate “ ghosts ” you , suddenly ceasing all communication , failing to show up for their interview or — worst of all — failing to show up for their first day of work even after being hired .
Ghosting is not a new phenomenon — reports of an increase in that kind of behavior date back a few years , at least . It does appear , however , that the practice is on the rise among job seekers for reasons that only partially have to do with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic .
seekers and 500 employers across multiple industries to determine just how big an issue ghosting is becoming . More than a quarter of job seekers ( 28 percent ) said that they have ghosted an employer in the past year , compared to just 19 percent in 2019 . During that same period , more than three quarters of employers ( 76 percent ) reported being ghosted by a candidate . More than half of employers ( 57 percent ) said they believe ghosting is more prevalent than ever before .
Ghosting on the Rise
The employment site Indeed conducted a survey of 500 job