LIKE MANY BUSINESS OWNERS , Lauren VanScoy wears Four years in , Essence One ’ s mental health-focused multiple hats and lays claim to a number of titles . In addition to being the founder and owner of Essence One , a breaks from advocating for the well-being of others to at-
mission is going strong , but Lauren occasionally takes company that specializes in aromatherapy-focused tend to her own peace of mind , whether by practicing products , Lauren is also a yoga , visiting the spa for a full-body certified aromatherapist . massage or hitting the road with
But the title that may be her family .“ I love to travel and nearest and dearest to relax on vacation ! I have two her heart is that of children in elementary school , so I mental health advocate . That ’ s because can ’ t travel as
Essence One was born much as I would in part as a response to like , but I travel
Lauren ’ s own experiences for spa shows with anxiety and depression following the birth of her child and her desire year , and I go on
once or twice a to bring greater awareness to the importance of mental health . family three to
vacation with the
To help her achieve that goal , Lauren and four times a
Essence One partnered with Bring Change year ,” she says . to Mind , a non-profit organization cofounded by actress Glenn Close that works growth from a
Essence One ’ s to end the stigma and discrimination surrounding mental health .“ We donate a por- her kitchen to a
tiny operation in
tion of our profits to sponsor mental health fully-formed ( and clubs [ in schools ] through Bring Change to Mind ,” VanScoy quickly growing ) business has occurred in just a few short says , adding that Essence One funded the first such club years , and it fills Lauren with pride . But as she notes , it ’ s in Minnesota , with proceeds from product purchases funding others .“ Until I started sharing my experience and our mission — to raise awareness for mental health ” that
“ building a company that I am proud of and sticking with opening up about my struggles , I didn ’ t realize how common mental health struggles were amongst everyone Lauren ’ s commitment to that mission remains steadfast ,
remains her most treasured professional accomplishment .
around me . The day I started sharing was my first day of and if her favorite quote —“ She believed she could , so she real progress and healing , and I want to be able to assist did ”— is any indication , there ’ s no doubt that she ’ s prepared to see it through . in that through our high school sponsorships .”