Pulse September 2024 | Page 25

DR . JONATHAN ELLERBY is a wellness consultant and coach who has worked in and consulted for the spa industry for 20 years . Ellerby presented Awakening EQ : A Re-introduction to Emotional Intelligence for Leaders at the 2024 ISPA Conference . ( See page 36 of the March Pulse for session highlights .)
the task and discuss the variables . What is needed to improve ? Identify the support needed to move the rating higher . Approach this process with a learning mindset and not one of evaluation .
7 . Provide regular feedback : Repeat this process for the top three performance areas for your key team members , teams or your spa . Use it for ongoing feedback . Avoid using it only a few times a year to evaluate if the team is “ good ”; instead , use it regularly to stay focused , provide feedback and open discussions around performance and creating a learning environment .
4 . Clarify expectations : Ask questions such as : l “ What does excellent look like ?” l “ If our goal is a five-star review , what would we need to be doing ?” l “ What does this look like on your best day , when everything exceeds expectations ?”
Write down this picture of success , clarify it and read it back to them , asking ,“ Is this what our very best looks like ?” 5 . Agree on goals and measure : Once there is agreement on aspirational excellence , ask if they are willing to make this their goal .
Remind the team that their highest performance represents a perfect five on a rating scale . Then , ask how they would rate this task on a typical day on the same five-point scale . You should expect a response near the average of three . If the team rates ordinary work as more than a three , revise the picture of success to ensure a real challenge to excel .
6 . Monitor progress : Establish a routine for revisiting performance ratings for this or any task in your weekly or monthly meetings . Both you and the team should rate
CALL TO ACTION : Business leaders should adopt this approach to foster a culture of continuous improvement and excellence . Regularly engage your team in defining and striving for high performance , and provide the support needed to achieve these goals . This strategy will not only enhance accountability but also drive exceptional outcomes in your spa . And remember : Employees who feel involved in defining their own success and see their leaders demonstrating accountability through follow-up are more likely to emulate this behavior . n
DR . JONATHAN ELLERBY provides custom support and leadership programs to facilitate balancing accountability with the powerful tools of emotional intelligence , psychological safety , mindfulness and well-being . | jonathanellerby . com