“... when planning the entire stay , it ’ s important to spend time with them . This allows them to book various activities and services in advance , ensuring a well-organized and enjoyable visit .”
Pulse : For the type of person who ’ s motivated by making the sale and moving on , what kind of incentive program did you develop ? CS : I recommended a straightforward monetary incentive , such as a specific dollar amount for each type of room sold instead of offering a percentage-based reward , which can be complicated to calculate . I suggested a fixed amount per closed sale . This way , they can easily understand , track and stay motivated by knowing exactly how much they ’ ll earn for each successful booking .
Pulse : This type of person may be a little bit more competitive than the relationship builder . Did you build that into the incentive program ? CS : Absolutely ! We used spa treatments or other prizes to reward those who had a better month than somebody else .
Pulse : What kind of incentive do you have for activity planners ? CS : They had a group goal to reach . They ’ re much more about their relationships and reaching their goal together . They ’ ll get a nice incentive as well . It ’ s just not so individual and competitive .
Pulse : How do you train to set them up for success ? CS : We designed a call flow based on discovery questions that help really personalize your stay or the package you might purchase . We ’ re using those answers to home in on what ’ s important , so we ’ re not wasting their time presenting anything they ’ re bound to tune out . To do this , the agent needs to get trained on what ’ s happening on the resort property and what ’ s being offered so they can make recommendations based on the type of interactions they have .