Pulse September 2024 | Page 24

A Simple Tool for Spa Leaders 7 steps to improvement in spa team behaviors BY DR . JONATHAN ELLERBY

Measuring Success

A Simple Tool for Spa Leaders 7 steps to improvement in spa team behaviors BY DR . JONATHAN ELLERBY

THE SPA INDUSTRY FACES A UNIQUE CHALLENGE : While it attracts amazing , people-focused , open-minded talent , it remains fiercely competitive and requires careful management of resources and expenditures . Spas excel in high-touch environments but must also maintain rigorous accountability .
To enhance focus , monitoring and answerability in a people-centered environment , consider this strategy : 1 . Identify a key behavior to improve : Choose a specific behavior to track and maintain at a high level , such as customer service , time management or team communication . Focus on enhancing observable behaviors rather than abstract values or outcomes .
2 . Define excellence : Establish what excellent performance looks like for this behavior . You will first need to do this in terms of your business needs , but then must remain open minded to evolve your picture of success with the people / person responsible for it .
3 . Engage the team : Call a meeting with the person or team responsible for this task . Explain your intention to support them with clarity about what it means to perform this task well . Review the task and its procedures , and ask them to help clarify what this task looks like at its best . Challenge the team to push their picture of success beyond normal or “ good enough .” Involving them in the definition of success is critical .