Pulse April 2019 | Page 60

highlight the post‘s educational nature on Linkedin. Show it in a series of pictures on Pinterest. 4. Create a content marketing plan. your plan should specify what types of content you will share, where you will share it, when and how often, and your goals for each piece. assign responsibility for creating content. if you don’t have the staff or talent in-house, look for freelance copywriters and designers at sites like upwork or freelancer. if you’re going to do it yourself, canva is a great resource for creating infographics, charts and other visuals. 5. Keep it short. forget the long, involved newsletters. not only do they take longer to write (delaying sending them out), no one reads them anymore. Send one-subject emails to highlight one relevant piece of advice. in this way, the customer will read it quickly and the company will get the brand reinforcement they want. in my experience, it now takes 21 brand reminders for a prospect to remember you. 6. 58 PULSE ■ Optimize for mobile. Especially if you are serving consumers directly, people are looking at email, social media and APriL 2019 websites on their mobile devices. Every piece of your content must be readable on smartphones and tablets. check how mobile-friendly your website is for users. if your website is not able to pass the test, work with a developer to use “hamburger menus”, larger fonts and compressed images. 7. Include a call-to-action. you cannot achieve the goals you set in step one if you don’t include a clear call-to-action (cTa) with each piece of content you post. your cTa might be, “contact us for ten tips on how to relax in ten minutes or less” or “set an appointment now”. Each cTa should link to a relevant (and mobile-friendly) landing page where viewers can take the next step, such as providing their contact information, making a reservation or filling out a form. 8. Always be selling. it is acceptable to mix educational messages with sales ones. over time, condition the audience to always be expecting offers from the company while they are being educated. This will increase your “at ready” prospects and eventually your sales.