Pulse April 2021 | Page 28

Power Session

The 2021 ISPA Stronger Together Summit may be virtual , but the big-stage speakers leading our Power Sessions are the real deal , and they ’ re ready to elevate and inspire the ISPA community around the world . These live sessions will place the expertise of noted speakers , authors and leaders Seth Godin , Seth Mattison and Dr . Bryan Williams at the fingertips of attendees this May . In the meantime , check out their profiles below and take a moment to seek them out on the web and through social media in advance of the big event !

Seth Godin Monday , May 10 @ 1 pm EDT

Seth Godin is an entrepreneur , best-selling author ( of 20 — yes , 20 — books ) and speaker who has been inspiring and motivating people around the world for more than two decades . Seth ’ s engaging style and obvious passion for guiding people to do their best work has led him to speak to more than three million people on everything from marketing to leadership to the spread of ideas . His most recent book , The Practice , was released in late 2020 .

In addition to his extensive publishing and speaking accomplishments , Seth is also a teacher , and that educational spirit led him to create The Akimbo Workshops — including The Marketing Seminar and the altMBA — online seminars that have led more than 20,000 alumni to tap into their potential as creators , marketers , leaders and worldchangers . Seth also offers several focused courses through Udemy , covering modern marketing , value creation , freelancing and presentation skills .
Seth has also founded several companies , including Yoyodyne and Squidoo , and his blog ( which is updated daily ) is one of the most popular in the world . In fact , it ’ s so popular , you can find it simply by typing “ Seth ” into Google . On his website ( see below ), users can access the resources noted above , find Seth ’ s long-form articles and ebooks on Medium , subscribe to his blog , check out his library of Youtube videos and podcast interviews and even dive into Akimbo , Seth ’ s own podcast about our culture and how to change it .

Did You Know ?

26 PULSE APRIL 2021 sethgodin . com ■ @ thisissethsblog ■ sethgodin

In 2018 , Seth Godin was inducted into the Marketing Hall of Fame !