Pulse April 2022 | Page 13

Going Mobile

IN LIEU OF A PRINTED 2022 ISPA Conference guide , ISPA will utilize a custom mobile app that allows attendees to view the Conference agenda and session information , create a plan for attending sessions and more . The move away from a printed guide will reduce waste and allow for a more streamlined , convenient attendee experience . Attendees will be able to download the app for iOS or Android in Apple ’ s App Store or the Google Play Store , respectively .

Tweaked Titles

IF YOU ’ VE ATTENDED A PREVIOUS ISPA CONFERENCE , you may want to note that we ’ ve freshened up the titles of our keynote and education sessions . Keynotes are now Power Sessions , and Education Sessions are now Knowledge Builder Sessions , so peruse the Conference agenda and plan your schedules accordingly !

Town Halls Travel to Vegas

THROUGHOUT THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC , ISPA virtual Town Halls have been an invaluable source of wisdom and insights for members . Leaders throughout — and beyond — the spa industry have held forth on subjects ranging from boosting revenue to streamlining operations to supporting the mental health of your team . We ’ re excited to share that these popular panel-style discussions will have a presence at the 2022 ISPA Conference as well . See below for Town Hall details , and be sure to add these special sessions to your Conference agenda . We ’ ll see you there !
MONDAY , MAY 2 n 3:30 – 4:30 PM l
Talent Strategies in the Age of the Great Resignation l Panelists : Jane Cho , Farrington Partners n Adam “ Smiley ” Poswolsky n Radhika Papandreou , Korn Ferry n Andrea Zemel , Trilogy Spa Holdings l
Moderator : Jean Kolb , Former ISPA Board Chair
TUESDAY , MAY 3 n 3:30 – 4:30 PM l l
The Future of Spa : Where We Are Headed Panelists : Susan Boresow n Emlyn Brown n Jeff Kuster n Alexandra Walterspiel Moderator : Patrick Huey , ISPA Board Chair

Ready , Set , Bid !

ALL OF YOU AUCTION AFICIONADOS out there are in for a treat at the 2022 ISPA Conference . This year , the ISPA Foundation Silent Auction will be held on Handbid — the same app ISPA used for its recent virtual auctions — and will close at 11:30 am on Wednesday , May 4 .
The ISPA Foundation Live Auction will be held in person at 5:30 pm on Tuesday , May 3 , and will feature unique items , including multiple destination getaways ! As always , the ISPA Foundation will use auction proceeds to fund valuable ISPA research and other important initiatives .

Welcome Inspiration

ONE OF THE MOST BELOVED features of every ISPA Conference is the collection of highly coveted product samples gifted to attendees from ISPA ’ s amazing resource partner community . This year , ISPA is prioritizing the health and safety of attendees by eliminating in-room foot traffic and replacing the room drops from years past with “ Inspiration Gifts ” in a handy Inspiration Box to simplify gathering and shipping . The quality and quantity of items will be the same--only the delivery method has changed . Spa buyers will receive the box , while all attendees will receive a gift bag at registration . •

APRIL 2022 • PULSE 11