Pulse April 2022 | Page 29

“ Ensure that any automated hiring tools you are using do not needlessly rule out candidates because their resume doesn ’ t ‘ check all the boxes ’ or is missing a specific keyword …”

“ Ensure that any automated hiring tools you are using do not needlessly rule out candidates because their resume doesn ’ t ‘ check all the boxes ’ or is missing a specific keyword …”

WHAT YOU CAN DO : l Sign-on bonuses paid prior to start ( with appropriate clauses in place ) l Counteroffering high-value employees in order to get them to stay l Additional long-term incentives ( such as 2- or 3-year deferred compensation plans ) l Enhanced health and wellness benefits , such as sabbaticals , caregiver assistance , improved insurance programs , or educational stipends l When possible , offer hybrid working conditions for administrative or office positions
Seek and You Shall Find … Though many wellness industry jobs require a specific skill or certification , other roles can accommodate many different types of candidates . Rethinking the traditional targets for such positions may be necessary in a tight market . For example , faced with a chronic talent shortage , spa and hospitality companies are easing up on job qualifications ,“ years of experience ” requirements or experience in a certain service segment in order to cast a wider talent net when possible . What ’ s more , many hospitality companies are going outside of spas and resorts , within the retired workforce and to other nontraditional places to find the people and skills they need .
WHAT YOU CAN DO : l Identify the core values that are most important to your organization , and focus on candidates who demonstrate the ability to learn the necessary aspects of the position while also being a cultural match with those core values l
Think creatively about areas outside the spa and wellness industry with relevant skill groups , such as senior living , retail , real estate , fine dining and broader travel / leisure segments and supplement your search with outreach into these sectors Ensure that any automated hiring tools you are using do not needlessly rule out candidates because their resume doesn ’ t “ check all the boxes ” or is missing a specific keyword ; many great candidates are often lost in the shuffle this way
… But Don ’ t Forget What You Already Have ! Facing a talent shortage means organizations will start to focus more on internal mobility , reskilling and upskilling existing employees to prevent attrition and fill niche health and wellness roles . In the spa industry , this can have a number of applications , from trainings on new services to offering employees the opportunity to cross-train in the “ front ” and “ back ” of house .
WHAT YOU CAN DO : l Consider ways you can offer skillbased trainings , certifications , and other educational opportunities — including tuition or training reimbursement — to your existing workforce . This will allow your employees to take advantage of development opportunities and will simultaneously increase the productivity of your existing workforce .
APRIL 2022 • PULSE 27