managers and service providers, and three overarching a quarter of management strongly agreed they had
themes came out that were applicable to both roles. access to the training they needed to develop their career.
1. In terms of attracting talent, those already working in This is a pointed finding, but one that can be addressed
the industry are a great source of advocacy, challenging with a clear action plan that could result in significant
a myth that spa professionals sometimes fail to see the improvements across the workforce. To paraphrase
real meaningfulness in the work they do. Conrad Hilton’s famous quote about the key factor for
2. Loyalty to current employers is higher than many
any hotel being location, location and location; for the
may think. The research found that across all job roles spa industry going forward it’s training, training and
loyalty is high and that a positive culture/working more training.
environment is crucial.
3. Poor work environment came out at the top of the
The latest 2018 figures show just over 38,000 vacancies
in the spa industry, a slight decline in the number of
pile for both management and service providers as a vacancies from 2016 when the debate around unstaffed
reason that employees left their previous job. This is positions heated up. This is encouraging and hints that
an important finding and one that is actionable across the positive actions identified from the research may be
the industry. The research highlighted that ‘one size beginning to gain traction. That being said, with demand
does not fit all’ in terms of facing up to key issues for services still outstripping supply in the industry, there
facing the varying job roles in the industry. remains a huge opportunity to recover lost revenue by
Training among management, or indeed the lack of it in filling these positions with high quality, engaged
the spa industry, is also a thought-provoking finding. Only personnel.
PULSE 2019