Pulse Points
b y Pa u l i r W i n
What Boosts Employee Engagement
in the Spa Industry
richard branson once said, an estimated 39,250 unfilled vacancies across all job roles
“Employees come first. If you take care of your in the industry.
employees, they will take care of the clients.” This
Inspired by these findings, the ISPA Foundation
statement has been backed up multiple times by commissioned PwC Research to conduct a global study to
research showing how an effective workforce is a vital take a closer look at this number and challenge many of
contributor to the success of an industry. the myths around recruitment and retention. The
Back in 2016, PwC announced growth across the
inaugural ISPA Spa Workforce Study was accomplished
industry at the ISPA Conference & Expo in all of the ‘Big by a research method examining motivations for entering
5’ statistics. There was, however, one statistic that year the spa industry and the reasons employees then decided
that stood out, generating a lot of conversation amongst to either leave or stay and develop their careers.
members—unstaffed positions. Back then, PwC reported
aUgUSt 2019
The research focused primarily on two job roles, spa