member PersPectives
“The first thing you think of when you
bring in a system like this is that it will take
out the personal element. But it did the
opposite, actually.”
— lorraine Park, vP of spa, retail & Wellness, crescent hotels & resorts
portfolio of nearly 100 luxury properties, including performance oversight across their spas. “We love it
Marriott-, Hilton- and Hyatt-branded properties; 12 of because of all of the assets that it offers,” says
these properties have spas.
All 12 of the spas under their management are
resort-style spas. Most of these spas are located in
independent properties, such as PGA National Resort
Lorraine Park, VP of spa, retail & wellness for Crescent
Hotels & Resorts. “It allows us to assess performance
and gather feedback on an ongoing basis.
“We can check quarterly and see how they’re doing
& Spa and Horseshoe Bay Resort, but a few are on their goals, then figure out how we can help,” Park
located within affiliated properties. The scope and continues. This allows performance discussions to be
variety of the spas Crescent manages necessitated a real-time, rather than retrospective.
more rigorous, software-driven approach to conducting
employees’ performance reviews.
Two years ago, Crescent Hotels & Resorts switched
to UltiPro, a human resources software system that
allows for better integration, communication and
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The software also serves as a repository for
treatment protocols, HR policies, job descriptions, local
laws and more, all of which can be managed locally or
uploaded company-wide.
Reviews are conducted quarterly, with the biggest