crescent hotels & resorts uses a unified review process at all of its properties, including newport beachside hotel & resort (left) and horseshoe bay
resort (right).
review occurring in April. Additionally, there’s a self- system will allow for spa managers to see employees’
assessment component that is used to get a better certifications and qualifications companywide, which
sense of employees’ goals. “We can see who wants to will enable them to collaborate on creating protocols.
track for management, or if someone would prefer to Park offered up an example: “if we find someone who
work at the front desk of the resort rather than is Watsu-certified, Shiatsu-certified and trained in Thai
continue as a therapist, or if they’re relocatable,” says massage, why don’t we have them create some
Park. “We can see that, and we can start to see protocols for services that blend techniques?”
trends.” The end result is a more open path to career Contrary to the industry trend away from structured
advancement in which qualified personnel can move reviews, this new review system is actually more struc-
both laterally and vertically across multiple spa tured than their previous system, which was simple
In revamping its performance review process,
“pencil and paper,” according to Park. The increased
structure was necessary to engender the company-
Crescent also transformed how it approached cross- wide view that Park wanted to foster in her spas: “The
spa collaboration. In the future, Park says that the first thing you think of when you bring in a system like
PULSE 2019