work, your spa associates all show up to work on time and in a positive
mood, and no one ever quits. All your customers easily find your spa,
they show up for treatments as scheduled and are extremely satisfied
with the level of service they were provided. All the systems you have in
place run smoothly, and everything goes exactly as planned.
If you say, “that is absolutely how every day goes for me,” returning to your Joy
please send me an email, because I want to know how Let’s look at the first habit, returning to your joy. The
you do it. For the rest of us, our days might goes as truth is that as spa business owners and leaders, you
planned… until 8 am rolls around, we open for business have to not only plan for the expected, but also be
and things start to go sideways. prepared to handle the unexpected. How do you respond
In the March and May issues of Pulse, you were intro-
when things aren’t going well? RARE leaders know that
duced to a three-part series focused on four uncommon when the going gets tough, their role is to become the
habits that joy-driven leaders employ to refuel positivity “Commander in Calm” and the “Bounce Back Boss.”
and engagement while delivering predictable excellence.
To become these things, you first have to understand
In the first two articles, we focused on how you interact how to bounce back yourself as well as how to instill that
with your team—how, by rediscovering your relationships in your spa associates. First, you have to recognize that
and appreciating your assets, you can create joy in the resiliency is rooted in a powerful combination of attitudes
workplace. Now, in this final article, we’ll turn our (the way you think about work, yourself and others),
attention to ourselves and how you can fully unlock the attributes (the habits that have been built up over time or
potential of a joy-filled workplace by “returning to your are rooted in your personality) and actions (the responses
joy” and “elevating your energy.” you have in the moment and the steps you take to get
back on track.)
To return to your joy, you have to be willing to be
proactive in creating practices in all three of these areas
so that, as in the Venn diagram above, these three areas
overlap to create resiliency. When life hands you lemons,
resiliency is what allows you to not just cringe your face
PULSE 2019