at the sourness, but rather turn those lemons into your three good things, write what you are grateful
lemonade—or, better yet, lemon margaritas. for. Then, write why you felt each of these was a good
Here are four tips to help you return to your joy even
in the midst of challenges:
2. read insPirational materials: Whether it is a quick
quote, a social media post or an online article, reading
1. root yourself in gratitude: Each day write down
three good things that happened. They can be
anything you feel good about or grateful for. Even on a
bad day, there are normally some things that we can
feel good about. Rooting yourself in
gratitude is not about ignoring
attention more on
the positive things,
rather than
dwelling on
things you
can’t change
because they
are out of your
control. When
you write down
aUgUSt 2019
good in this world and helps us to reset our mindset.
3. reframe the situation: RARE leaders know that
curiosity didn’t kill the cat. Rather, curiosity is what
helps us to reframe a challenging situation into
something positive. Instead of asking an
“When life
hands you lemons,
resiliency is what allows
you to not just cringe
your face at the sourness,
but rather turn those
lemons into lemonade—
or, better yet, lemon
the bad things, but rather
about focusing your
positive information reinforces our belief that there is
unproductive, negative question like,
“why did this go wrong?” RARE
leaders reframe it, asking “how
can we use this situation to
become even better?”
4. recogniZe When you
need helP: We were not
meant to go through
challenging situations
alone, so find a group of
encouragers who can let
you know that you are not