Eminence Organic Skin Care sponsored day 1 Power Session featuring Seth Godin ( right ). Boldijarre Koronczay ( left ) welcomed attendees .
over-the-top , two-minute video included harp playing , ice hockey players , Royal Canadian Mounted Police , treeplanting and a confetti shower , which would have been difficult to pull off in person , even for Boldijarre .
Though that very Canadian display was a tough act to follow , the opening
Power Session speaker , entrepreneur and marketing pundit Seth Godin , did not disappoint . One of the best aspects of ISPA events is the opportunity they provide to hear from excellent speakers and thought leaders who are not from our industry . We need this fresh perspective . Godin reminded us that marketing is a broad term and applies to anything that touches our market . It ’ s the work of “ practical empathy ,” not interrupting or hyping . Ideas spread because fans and customers decide to talk about your business , but that only happens if your business is creating memorable experiences . The most powerful marketing tool is remarkability .
One attendee took advantage of the virtual forum to ask Godin what he thought the bright side of the pandemic was , and he responded that we have become more aware of the circles we want to be in and the planet we are left with . He said we have to dig deep to do work that matters for people who care and be clear about the promise we are making .
Workforce trends expert Seth Mattison also delivered an excellent — and highly relevant — Power Session of his own . Acknowledging that these have
been difficult times emotionally for all of us is important , Mattison explained , even if you can ’ t label the emotion you are feeling . We can ’ t move forward without addressing where we are now , and we need to let employees know the same . He summed an action plan up in four steps : l Find compassion , both for yourself and your staff . Name your emotions and normalize the struggle . l Expand your notion of what ’ s possible . Imagine an expanding cone of possibilities , small by your eye but expanding as it goes , along with the potential number of disruptors and expanders that could affect what ’ s possible along the way . Think about what you want to have happen 3-5 years from now . l Think like a scientist and test your assumptions . Conduct real-time experiments with clients to test your ideas and make sure you know what they really want — don ’ t just settle for hypotheses . l Mobilize the magic : Study and adopt the attitudes of the most resilient cultures . His most sage advice ? “ The teacher
seth godin ’ s power session yielded a strong response from the hundreds of attendees who watched live and shared their thoughts , reactions and questions in the session ’ s live chat feed . A selection of some of the takeaways and bits of wisdom that resounded most with Seth ’ s audience can be found below . l “ You can ’ t be everything for everyone .” l “ A brand is a promise .” l “ It is the experience , empathy and love we give to our clients that go a long way . It ’ s the overall experience and energy of it . People share these incredible experiences because of how we make them feel !” l “ The receptionist is the VP of marketing ; the spa therapist is the SVP of marketing .” l “ We are not here to put on a show !” l “ The best testimonials are free !” l “ Focus on the guest and their experience = happy customers = free referrals and more clients .”
AUGUST 2021 ■ PULSE 25