Pulse August 2021 | Page 28

appears when the student is ready .” Knowledge Builder Sessions presented different angles on compelling themes of the moment , such as marketing , people management and , probably most importantly , leading in the current environment .
people management
The Knowledge Builder Session “ Attracting a Diverse Spa-Goer Audience and Workforce ” drew a lot of attention from attendees , and it was excellent to have a diversity , equity and inclusion expert Radhika Papandreou from HR consulting firm Korn Ferry participate , along with longtime diversity and inclusion advocate Daniel Poulin , executive coach Jane Cho , and ISPA Board Chairman Patrick Huey . Papandreou advised offering forums , surveys , and other ways for your current employees to have a voice and see how your current diversity , equity and inclusion initiatives are perceived . In response to Huey ’ s probing question on how to build trust to have difficult conversations , Cho responded that the “ Trust is built
moment by moment ; imagine a trust bucket that you fill with micro-moments that happen each day .” On the topic of “ Resilience Building Techniques with Lasting Impact ,” moderator Mia Kyricos was joined by Renee Moorfield , Leigh Weinraub and Jane Cho , each of whom shared excellent guidance on responding to stressors . Weinraub shared one impactful insight from her reading : “ Life is going to test you . There will always be a stimulus and a response . But there is a space between these , and you have got to own that .” Don ’ t be on autopilot , in other words . Know your stress triggers and notice your reactions . Regarding tools to learn , Moorfield contributed that “ We need to add compassion to the practice of mindfulness , knowing that human beings are not problems to be fixed .”
Addressing our industry ’ s ongoing staffing challenges , former ISPA Board Chairman Jean Kolb moderated a session with speakers Fred DeMicco , Marcus Keene and Eric Stephenson titled “ Why Stay in the Spa Industry ?” DeMicco , who teaches at Northern Arizona University , suggested reaching out to your local universities to connect with potential future employees , noting that careers oriented around fitness , nutrition and well-being align well with many students ’ interests . Stephenson advised conducting frequent informal check-ins to solicit employee feedback and make sure they are still loving their jobs . Keeping an eye on the future , Keene stressed the importance of being transparent about development opportunities to keep your staff engaged .
sales and marketing
Many Knowledge Builder Sessions highlighted varying components of effective sales and marketing strategies . “ Strength Generators Through Innovative Partnerships ” featured speakers sharing stories of spas and resource partners working together in various ways , and “ Diversifying Revenue Streams ” showcased four one-on-one interviews between Patrick Huey and representatives of properties who were finding creative ways to expand revenue : l Magdaleena Nikolav with Accor
Daniel Poulin , Radhika Papandreou , Jane Cho and Patrick Huey drew a lot of attention from attendees for the Kowledge Builder Session “ Attracting a Diverse Spa-Goer Audience and Workforce ”.