Pulse August / September 2023 | Page 16


devices and ensure the use of spa whispers . “ Guests are encouraged to keep electronic devices in their lockers but can have them on their person so long as it does not disrupt the tranquil spa environment ,” Christina further explains about her spa ’ s guidelines .“ We encourage our guests to turn off cellphones when visiting the spa . This is a practice we have always maintained . Some guests comply , others prefer to keep their phones on them but understand the spa is a quiet space and they cannot take calls .” She notes that “ cellphones are prohibited in our locker rooms for our guests ’ privacy . We do not allow guests to take calls within the spa ; they are asked to make or take any calls outside of the spa as not to disrupt the tranquil experience for our guests .”
Kerry Werner , director of spa for Stillwater Spa , Park Hyatt Toronto , shares her approach .“ We do suggest completely disconnecting by leaving phones in lockers , but understand this is hard for some ,” she says .“ We ask all guests to put their phones on silent as well as refrain from speaking on their phones while in the spa .” Kerry also notes that , “ as we offer digital versions of newspapers and magazines to decrease high touch surfaces ( books , magazines ), guests are welcome to use their devices to access this amenity .”
At Bamford Wellness Spa at 1 Hotel Nashville , Director of Spa & Retail Darcie DeBartelo follows a similar course of suggesting digital disconnection .“ We tell guests ,‘ This is your opportunity to shut down ’— we do gentle reminders — and we ask for ringers to be silenced ,” she says . But the suggestion is purposefully innocuous .“ We tell guests this is their time and they can do what will make them comfortable .” Ultimately , though ,“ our industry is everchanging and every market is a bit different , every spa has a different approach ,” she finds .“ We always have to remind ourselves it ’ s about the guest experience , we have to constantly ask ourselves what experience they want .”
ENFORCEMENT Darcie finds most spa guests are respectful of others and try not to disturb the spa atmosphere with device usage .“ If a guest does that ,” she says ,“ we offer them to sit on our patio or another spot in the hotel to take a call . I ’ m lucky we have indoor / outdoor space for these situations .” She also notes that , while spa visitors may understand other patrons ’ use of cellphones , they are put off by seeing spa staff members scrolling their phones .“ We try to remind therapists that the clients don ’ t want to see them on their devices .” ( See “ Device