Pulse August / September 2023 | Page 17


PERSONAL DEVICES ARE NOT NEW . Pagers became popular in the 1980s , and smartphones have been widespread since the early 2000s . But outlooks regarding appropriate use of these devices are evolving . With the shift in attitudes come several questions . Should spa employees model the behavior the spa expects of its guests ? Or should they follow different rules in recognition of their on-the-job roles ? Is it rude for a treatment provider to glance at incoming messages while with a spa guest ? Should spa staff members stow their technology behind closed doors , or is a pocketed device sufficiently hidden from customers ’ eyes ?
The decision of whether spa employees should disconnect from personal technology while working can vary depending on the specific policies and requirements set by the spa and the nature of their job responsibilities . Here are a few considerations to keep in mind : l Job requirements : If spa employees need to use personal technology devices as part of their job , such as for scheduling appointments or using specialized spa software , it may be necessary for them to stay connected to their devices while working . l Individual communication needs : Some spa workers may have personal circumstances that require them to remain reachable in case of an emergency . Other team members may feel unsafe without a means of communication available at all times . Keep in mind that blanket employee policies restricting personal technology use may create stress and consider allowing exceptions that balance the spa ’ s goals with the employees ’ need to stay connected . l Distractions : Personal technology devices can be potential sources of distraction for employees . If the use of personal devices negatively impacts their productivity , customer service or the overall atmosphere of the spa , it may be advisable to restrict or minimize their use during working hours . l Professionalism : It is generally expected that employees maintain a professional demeanor and focus on their job responsibilities while at work . Constantly checking personal devices or engaging in non-work-related activities can give the impression of unprofessionalism . In such cases , it might be better for employees to disconnect from personal technology during their shifts . Ultimately , it is up to the spa management to determine guidelines and policies for personal technology use during working hours . Clear communication of expectations — taking into account the specific needs and responsibilities of the employees — can help strike the right balance between a positive employee experience and the spa ’ s professional presentation . usage and spa employees ” in the blue box above .)
Kerry uses the same solution of relocating guests who need to engage in a phone conversation .“ Guests are always asked to end calls when in the spa ,” she notes .“ And if a guest is using the phone for a voice or video call in the relaxation areas of the spa , we kindly ask them to either end the call or move to the reception area of the spa .” Like the other spa directors , Rob says his spa staff “ constantly monitor ” for device usage that is disruptive or inappropriate . He finds a gentle reminder of the policy is usually all that is required .“ On rare instances when we do see a guest on the phone ,” he says ,“ we kindly remind them there are no cell phone conversations allowed in the spa .”
Christina agrees most spa customers are respectful , even when spa team members have approached guests who have temporarily forgotten the rules .“ All guests who have been reminded of our tranquil environment have been understanding and apologetic ,” she says .
SOCIAL MEDIA VALUE One potential reason for spas to consider allowing personal devices — at least in some areas of the spa — is for

“ We always have to remind ourselves it ’ s about the guest experience , we have to constantly ask ourselves what experience they want .”