Pulse August / September 2023 | Page 18


marketing value . Posting photos and impressions of the spa experience on social media extends the guest ’ s enjoyment of the spa visit . Creating shareable moments — including areas where photos are encouraged — therefore , should be considered as an opportunity for spas to promote themselves via word of mouth .
“ If you ’ re striving to be a Forbes Five-Star , it ’ s all about wellness and experience : Spa is created to relax ,” Darcie says .“ I ’ m noticing the younger generations like to take a picture and post about their experience while they ’ re in the experience . That ’ s the best marketing I can get !”
Darcie ’ s spa engages directly with guests who ask about posting their spa experiences .“ For photography , most guests ask — which is great ,” she says , noting the spa makes no exceptions about the prohibition against photos in the locker room . When a blogger requests to post about their experience at Bamford Wellness Spa , “ we ’ ve asked them to meet with our marketing team to determine what they ’ re allowed to shoot or not shoot ,” she says .“ They ’ re vetted through Marketing
A treatment specialist waits before administering an IV treatment as a 1 Hotel Nashville spa guest captures a photo to share on social media . The treatments , offered by partner wellness company Arete , are available upon request to spa guests .

“ We have clients thank us for allowing them to escape from their hectic lives . They appreciate the detachment our spa experience provides them .”




MOST OF US RELY ON OUR DEVICES for work and personal communications as well as entertainment and information — and we use them in almost every other setting . So , why discourage device usage at the spa ? l It robs from the “ escape ” experience . Our responsibility is to create a serene atmosphere encouraging introspection and letting go of stresses . Cellphones and other devices hinder mindfulness and relaxation because they are a reminder of the world outside the spa ’ s walls . l It disturbs other guests . Ringtones and alert noises are sound pollution . Bright , flashing screens are distracting . Stowing devices shows respect for fellow guests . l It disrupts the treatment practitioner . Many spa services require a treatment specialist to be in close proximity to the guest . Interacting with a device may make it impossible for the practitioner to provide high-quality service . l It increases concerns about privacy . From fellow guests ’ privacy perspective , any device being used in a spa setting could be recording them in a vulnerable state . From the spa ’ s business perspective , use of devices around the check-in or booking process might lead to unintentional sharing of confidential information .