“ Data analysis is useful to nearly every major functional area within a spa .”
confused or needs help , you can witness it in real time . That is incredibly valuable because you can fix the issue for multiple guests by improving processes — putting up a sign or addressing in other ways . If you don ’ t see it , you won ’ t know it ’ s happening .”
Limiting access to the data
Sea Island has a membership structure different from many other spas . “ We are a private island ,” Cecilia explains . “ Information is kept privately . But like any membership , we want to make sure you feel special and feel recognized . We focus on guest recognition on special days — like your birthday .”
To ensure spa and resort staff are able to use client profile information to enhance their experience , Spa Island centralizes customer communications .“ We have a one-stop booking center , where the team member booking your stay can also arrange your spa services , your golf outing , your bicycle rental ,” Cecilia shares .“ Unique within most of the industry , the call center service team is within the spa . We want to make sure we super-train the agents about every service in the resort . For the customer , it ’ s an incredible experience not having to be transferred between services .”
Cecilia finds great value in careful use of data when interacting with customers .“ We have meetings with different de-