Pulse January / February 2024 | Page 51

“ When we ’ re designing spaces , we ’ re designing them above all for the comfort of the guest .”

— JANE SEGERBERG Segerberg Spa Consulting LLC
rooms , we ’ re having people do that as a family or couples ,” she said .
Handling Timelines for Renovations and Openings Each project has its own timeline that is dependent on the architect and general contractors .“ The most important thing is that we are on time and on task ,” said Jane Segerberg .“ One thing I find that ’ s important is , before construction occurs , the spa knows who they are , who the guests are , and who they want to be . This ensures the projects move fast and stay on task .” Segerberg considers the end goal when envisioning a spa renovation .“ Most spas need to make a shift so they ’ re not compartmentalized boxes , but more generous and open ,” she said ,“ giving people space to relax on their own and be in a relaxing atmosphere where they can enjoy being near other people — but not actually have to be with them .”
Facility Trends That Are Non- Negotiable When Renovating “ A lot of compromise has to happen when renovating a spa ,” said Holtz .“ If it ’ s going to change what you originally created and designed , then you need to stand your ground and help those individuals understand why it is being created and designed the way it is .”
Segerberg commented ,“ One thing we need to remember is , when we ’ re designing spaces , we ’ re designing them above all for the comfort of the guest . We ’ re getting back to what spa is about .”
“ Some of the most heated discussions I had during the design state surrounded storage and team member space , along with laundry space ,” said Leuluai of specific non-negotiable renovation goals . “ Some of our other challenge consisted of the design of the lockers .”
Budget Management Techniques “ When managing your budget for a renovation , it ’ s important to keep up on what you ’ re spending overall and try to find some alternatives to stay within budget ,” said Holtz . “ You have to look at the project and determine what will really have an impact on guests … about how you find concessions that you can live with and won ’ t have a big impact on the operation , while still being able to be true to the budget you ’ re held to .”
Your timeline will also affect your renovation investment expenses . “ You need to think about building that contingency and thinking about the state of the economy ,” said Leuluai . “ The other component is creating that ROI , something that isn ’ t in budget , but something that would really change the experience and pleading that case to ownership to benefit the business .”
Advice for Those Renovating or Thinking About Renovating “ One piece of advice I always tell everyone is : Let ’ s not make this a smorgasbord of every spa we ’ ve attended or liked ,” Segerberg advised . “ You have to know your concept , purpose , image and position , and everyone on the team has to sign off on that , and then everything will flow very quickly .” n
ISPA THANKS OAKWORKS FOR SPONSORING the thought-provoking discussion of the December 2023 Town Hall . To view the full “ Renovating a Spa for Today ’ s Consumer ” Town Hall video , click on “ Virtual Sessions ” under the “ Events ” tab at experienceispa . com .