Pulse July 2016 | Page 73

1 Sim mplify your Menu Structure 3 Strate egize to maximize the booking of high-end, high-margin specialty services to create more opportunitiess to improve reven nue captur p e via upgr pg ade es and retail sales.. 2 App pl y Yield Mana ge ement Techniques Use d dynamic availability and dynamic pricin ng to reduce the list of services s (only offfer highest margin) during peak times and p provide discounts during g non-pe p ak timess. 9LVLWXVDW,63$%RRWK Compensate Em mplo yees to Deliver on your Values Develop a compensatio on strategy (a mix of Ɠ[HGYDULDEOHDQGERQXVFRPSHQVDWLRQ  that rewards the behavviors that produce the best results. 4 Maximize the Usse of Space 5 Make Upgrades Eas y Monitor utilization and calculate revenue potential of repurposin ng space that can SURGXFHDTXLFN52,IRUDQ\UHWURƓW Offfer upgrade opportunities unities for popular services, have materialss readily available in treatment areas, and create higher compensation incentives es for stafff. f. 7RGLVFRYHUPRUHVSDSURƓWDELOLW\ WLSVYLVLWZZZUHVRUWVXLWHFRP PMS | SP PA A | F&B | CA ATERING TERING G | CLUB | GOLF | SKI | RET TAIL AIL | CONCIERGE | WEB W | MOBILE ww ww.UHVRUWVXLWH.com | 568,7( (1.866.4 477.8483) | LQIR#UHVRUWVXLWHFRP