Pulse July 2017 | Page 30


How to Increase Retail Sales in the Internet Age

RETAIL SALES ARE AN IMPORTANT income source for spas . According to a July 2016 ISPA Snapshot Survey , 38 percent of spas reported an average of 10 to 15 percent of their total annual sales revenue came from retail sales . But spas face a greater competitor than each other these days when it comes to selling retail : the internet . You can ’ t beat Amazon , but you can be something better for your customers : a complete educational resource . Internet retailers may have fast and free shipping , but the spa has licensed experts who can cater to each individual customer in a way the internet will never be able to accomplish . By following a few key marketing tips , you can create unwavering brand loyalty and increase your retail sales numbers , even in the age of the internet .

1 .

Selecting the Right Brand
Partners First off , selecting the right brand partners is key . There are many amazing products in bottles , I look for three key characteristics in my vendor partners .
1 . Exceptional customer service , which includes the partnership being as important to them as it is to me .
2 . Good products with good ingredients from a company that shares my same values , mission and vision .
3 . A vendor with a strong marketing plan that can really help me build our partnership in many different directions .

“ Together we must create unwavering brand loyalty so the internet , available 24 / 7 and even in the wee hours of the morning , does not hijack our customers .”

Additionally , some simple things my key vendors help with includes : merchandising , sales training , sales incentives for your team , promotion ideas , gratis product for special promotions and setting and monitoring goals .
But always keep in mind every relationship is two sided and as a spa manager or owner , it is up to us to build a good partnership between our spa business and spa vendor partners .

2 .

Your Staff to
Sell Once we have selected the right mix of vendor partners , training is paramount . Vendors are eager to help with this , but we must take the lead and require our team to attend trainings and take it seriously . Many therapists and estheticians simply don ’ t want to sell , but explain to your reluctant staff that retail sales training is more than just sales ; it ’ s about building a trust with customers and going beyond the treatment space to educate them on self-care and self-improvement .
We can also take it one step further by making sales a condition of employment . But , if it is a condition of employment , as leaders we must give our teams the tools they need to be successful . Training , training and more training followed by coaching and encouragement is necessary to ensure your staff is successful in retail sales .
By focusing on true customer service and ongoing training , it becomes a more natural organic experience so that a client never feels sold to or pressured , just nurtured .

3 .

Go to Where Your Customers Are : Online Finally , we need to actively engage our customers . What I mean by this is that our regular customers should be so engaged with us and our business that they are no longer customers but brand advocates and raving fans . Engaging the customer will happen with several different touch points . It starts with providing exceptional service , and continues with
28 PULSE ■ July 2017