Pulse July 2017 | Page 69

ISPA FOUNDATION he ISPA Conference and Expo is an oppor- tunity to make connections, gain business take-aways and ignite sales for the coming year. One of the secrets to increasing your sales success before the event, on-site and post- conference is to donate to the ISPA Foundation Live and Silent Auctions. This is a great way to present your products to potential buyers and promote anything new to your brand in 2018. Several factors go into creating a great auction item that will amp up your donation and catch the eye of potential bidders. T FOUNDATION 2017 ISPA FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS CHAIRMAN Frank Pitsikalis ResortSuite Content Potential bidders love trying new brands and new products. When putting together your item, consider donating a set that features several items within one brand, rather than one single item. This will allow the high bidder to sample several of your products, potentially increasing a future sale and creating a loyal customer. VICE CHAIRMAN Sharilyn Abbajay Abbajay & Associates, LLC DIRECTORS Todd Shaw ISPA Chairman Todd Hewitt ISPA Vice Chairman DONATE NOW! Lynne McNees ISPA President MEDICAL ADVISOR Brent Bauer, M.D. Mayo Clinic HONORARY BOARD MEMBERS Ruth Stricker The Marsh, A Center for Balance and Fitness Deborah Szekely WELLNESS WARRIOR The ISPA Foundation wishes to thank the following supporters for their generous contributions: Merchandising The better something looks, the more likely we are to buy it. Choose items that not only go well together, but also create the right aesthetic for your brand. Covering your donation with cellophane wrapping hides your products and can often look messy after shipping. Choose a display that is simple and clean and doesn’t take away from the items you’re trying to promote. Creativity Think outside the box. What about your company is unique and sets you apart? Consider donating something that is indigenous to your brand in addition to your products or an item that isn’t easily accessible to the common consumer. This will help your item stand out and create excitement amongst bidders looking for something unique and noteworthy. Making small changes to your typical donation content, merchandising and the creative idea behind your donation, can help influence your conference experience. Donating to the ISPA Foundation Live and Silent Auctions will grab the attention of potential buyers and can even create new loyal customers for ongoing sales success. —FRANK PITSIKALIS, ISPA FOUNDATION CHAIRMAN LUMINARY Ruth Stricker BENEFACTOR Dr. Howard Murad PATRON Red Door Spas ResortSuite l AUGUST 2: Deadline to be eligible for inclusion in the Live Auction. l SEPTEMBER 13: Deadline to be included in the printed Auc tion Catalog. l FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE ISPA FOUNDATION or to donate an item to the Auction, visit attendISPA.com or email ashley.roberts@ispastaff.com. July 2017 ■ PULSE 67