Pulse July 2017 | Page 70

S N A P S H O T S U RV E Y I n February, ISPA members received their first Snapshot Survey on Wellness since 2013. The biggest takeaway? The wellness trend is growing rapidly and isn’t slowing down anytime soon. In 2013, less than half, 45 percent, of all spa respondents offered wellness programs or workshops including things like detox, weight management or fitness activities. In 2017, this number has become the majority with 58 percent of all spas, and 66 percent of resort/hotel spas offering wellness programs or activities. DOES YOUR SPA OFFER WELLNESS PROGRAMS AND/OR WORKSHOPS (i.e. detox, weight management, fitness activities, etc.)? YES NO 58% 42% ALL SPAS 28% 72% DAY SPAS 66% 34% RESORT/HOTEL SPAS WANT TO READ full ISPA Snapshot Survey reports and take part in the surveys? Keep an eye on your inbox on the third Friday of each month. You’ll have a week to complete it, then you’ll receive the full report via email. 68 PULSE ■ July 2017